
Post #2: migraines, TV and such

There are an incredibly wide variety of migraine symptoms. The one they all share, I would say, is the pain. For people who don't really understand what an actual migraine is, here is a link that explains the medical side of things: https://www.google.com/health/ref/Migraine. The other side of things, I am here to explain. But before I do that, I feel the need to tell you more about what category of migraines, I fall into. I am 16 years old, in case you were wondering. I got my migraines fairly young, at age 10. I don't get aura's, just migraines, and have all the usual symptoms. I go to high school very part time, which is as much as I can handle at the time. I don't get out of the house much. I rely on my family for almost everything, because about all I can do is shower, eat, sleep, watch TV, and carry on an occasional conversation. One thing I have really learned, is that with this condition, you really have to take things one day at a time. Planning doesn't work out, so it's best just to live with whatever pain you have that day, and hope the next day will be better.  That attitude definitely works best for me. One day at a time, so the pain wont overwhelm me. 
As I mentioned a couple times, I watch a  lot of TV. It is the only thing that really works to distract me. I can't read, or do other forms of normal entertainment, so TV is my pastime. I get sick of it, but it has been very helpful. Later on, I'm going to write a list of migraine-friendly TV shows. Quiet ones, that aren't too stressful, action packed or bright. If anyone has suggestions, let me know. I think they will be good recommendations for migraine sufferers, but also for anyone else who needs suggestions. 
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Have a beautiful day...

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